
Chapter 3 Done!

Well, I've actually been doing some work on writing again. We won't talk about what's going on in my classes, to date. Instead, we're going to talk about writing! It's a much better read, I promise.

I've actually finished Chapter 3, and I've been re-reading chapter 1 (and up). I've been going over them with Ginny. (The new girl friend, as of 2 months ago) I'll be working on Chapter 4 soon (outlining it) and I'll be trying to come up with some sort of plan for when I'm finishing the rest of it. The good news, however, is that I'm also working on a Graphic novel with Ginny, and there's some major progress being made on that. There will be something to show of it soon. (Give it a week or two.)

Well, off to work on Chapter 4.


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