
Chapter 3: Close enough I can taste it.

Well, normally people use blogs to bitch about their personal lives. Me? I keep that to myself, while I bitch about my writing life. As of late, the words haven't flowed. I've skipped all but one of my 5 classes since school started, 3 of which I've not been too.. this is the second week of classes. Ugh.

Still, I sat down tonight, and the words came. They flowed. A bit rambly, but they flowed, and I think it makes for a good scene. I just need to end it, and chapter 3. I'm 1000 words away from my target goal of 7,000 words per chapter. I need to get a move on if I want to finish this by next X-mas. I think I can do it. My Current goal is 10 chapters my the end of the semester. Since I'm almost a 3rd there, it might happen. Maybe.

Arc 3 is a bit on hold right now. I want to change some of Arc 2, and possibly even some of Arc 3. I also don't have the energy for doing much more. I might even start work on arc 5, which might really be Arc 6. I'm going slower than I planned with the Arcs. I need to put another arc in between 3 and the discovery of the Overseer Ship. I still plan that to be early, but I don't think it works to have it THIS early. Though, perhaps it will. That's something to talk to Keith about. I might outline it. That could ease the decision.

Still, I'm excited about the comic. There's plenty there, and there's always room for more. I don't have an end to the comic yet, as it's closely tied to the novel. I don't have an ending for that yet either. I think it will involve some of the characters leaving. Not sure.

Anyway, I need to go do something for a little while. Perhaps do some more writing. Or sleep.

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